Wisbook 電子書閱讀器 VIP

by Hongshee Software

Books & Reference

4.99 usd

Whenever and wherever readnLife experience beyond time and space

Wisbook 電子書閱讀器(ebook reader)將滿足您關於移動閱讀的夢想。使用本閱讀器您可以︰ 1、閱讀您手機或平板上的 txt, html, epub, pdf 格式的電子書(簡體中文、繁體中文、英文)。 2、線上閱讀我們為您準備的大量經典人文書籍,或者下載後離線閱讀。 3、內置圖書線上搜索下載工具,可以從多個流行的線上書庫獲取圖書。 4、將您喜愛的書籍上傳到個人線上書架,使閱讀從此不受時空的限制。5、在電腦、Android、iOS 設備之間共享和傳送圖書。 6、使用線上筆記本,隨時記錄讀書內容或心得。 支援自動分頁、自動書簽、全文檢索搜尋、文字複製、標記、編輯、語音朗讀、本機字典、線上字典、多種頁面風格、雙頁模式、離線閱讀、線上閱讀、導入圖書、wifi傳書、讀書筆記、簡繁互轉等功能,全方位滿足您的閱讀需求。 VIP版與免費版的唯一區別是可以免積分閱讀所有免費共用圖書(不含第三方書庫),每天最多可下載兩本。若有任何問題,請到我們的網站論壇上進行回饋,有問必答!Wisbook ebook reader will fulfill your dream of mobile reading. With this reader you can:1. Read the txt, html, epub, pdf format e-books (Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English) on your phone or tablet.2, read online a large number of classic humanities books we prepared for you, or read offline after downloading.3, built-in online search and download tools for books, you can get books from a number of popular online library.4. Upload your favorite books to your personal online bookshelf, so reading is never restricted by time and space.5. Share and transfer books between computers, Android, and iOS devices.6. Use online notebooks to record readings or experiences at any time.Supports automatic pagination, automatic bookmarking, full-text search, text copy, markup, editing, voice reading, local dictionary, online dictionary, multiple page styles, dual page mode, offline reading, online reading, importing books, wifi transmission, reading Notes, Simplified and Traditional conversions, etc., fully meet your reading needs.The only difference between the VIP version and the free version is that you can read all free shared books (excluding third-party library) without points, and you can download up to two books per day.If you have any questions, please go to our website forum to give feedback, you must answer any questions!修正了 Android 8.0 以上版本中不能在狀態列顯示下載資訊等問題。

Read trusted reviews from application customers

I paid for the app for VIP version, but it keeps saying that I am out of credits.

Rebecca Jin

I enjoy

Alan Tak Hung Lau

nice app with good selection of books! 阅读器好用,最重要的是书库里的书质量好,素质高。

A Google user